This article caught my eye while researching the Chambliss clan of Georgia, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Mary Virginia’s story is particularly moving to me.
Claiborne, George, Jerry, Henry, Charles, Mary Virginia, Lewis, and Susan
CLAIBORNE–Belongs to Joel Norton, living in Copiah county. Miss., about 5 feet 6 inches high. dark complexion.
GEORGE— Belongs to Sam Chambliss, 5 feet 1 inch high.
JERRY–Belongs to Mr. Towne, living in Vicksburg. Miss.; 5 feet 5 inches high, black complexion and about 40 years old.
HENRY–Belongs to Thomas Graves, of Jackson, Miss.; black. 5 feet 9 inches high, 27 or 28 years old.
CHARLES–Belongs to Thomas Blow, yellow. about thirty years old. six feet and a half high weighs 135 or 140 pounds.
MARY VIRGINIA–Belongs to James Matthews of Virginia but does not know her master’s postoffice or county. She says she was stolen from her master’s premises in company with her brother Lewis and sister Susan, both younger than herself, about five months since, by a man calling his name James Reed, and brought to this State. She ran away from said Reed about three months since between Aberdeen and Okolona, leaving her brother and sister with said Reed; is a bright mulatto or quadroon, rather sandy hair, but very kinky; weighs 130 pounds, stands 4 feet 8 1/2 inches high, about 17 or 18 years old, and very heavy set.
They Have a Name
In honor of Claiborne, George, Jerry, Henry, Charles, Mary Virginia, Lewis, and Susan.
They were here, they matter, and they have a name.